
English Cocker Spaniel Field Trial Hall of Fame Committee Meeting

September 15, 2021 – 7:00 pm CST (Conference Call)

Members in Attendance:  Bethann Wiley (non-voting) __X___, John Bishop _____, Robin Putnam ___X__, Terry Oliver ___X__, Jeff Janousek ______, Tawney Crawford ____X___, Tom Calabrese _____X__, Barbara Defalco ___X____

New Business


  1. Review nominations – each nomination was discussed. Several questions about one in particular were raised so Bethann will find the answer to those and send that back to the committee prior to voting in October.




Old Business



  1. Website – after reviewing the current website many points were discussed. Due to the need to change website managers (current person is leaving the business and platform is no longer viable) it was agreed to use Haley Gray and her company to rebuild the site and host it. They will use a platform that a committee person with correct access can update. Bethann has agreed to do the updates. Due to the high cost of doing this several items will be eliminated from the site. These items were deemed not essential or were repetitive on the site or did not connect with the point of the site. By doing this it will cost approximately $2000 – $3000 dollars to rebuild the site. (Original estimate of bringing everything over was $4000 – $5000)


Motion by Tawney:

I move to accept the recommendations discussed by the committee and outlined by Barbara for the following areas to be removed from the new website: “What’s New”, “Did you know”, History of Field Cockers”, “Photo Gallery” and the ECSCA Review article in the inductees section.

2nd – Robin

Motion approved – unanimous



Adjournment – 7:39 PM CST  Next meeting October 6, 2021 7:00 PM CST


2021 Calendar

                                                August 31st – Nominations due

                                                September 15th – review nominations

                                                October 6th Meeting – vote on nominations