Thursday, September 18, 2014, at 8:00 pm EDT
In attendance were: Peter Rizzo, Kate Romanski, Hobson Brown, Barbara Haupt, Rob Cotiaux, Keith Meissner, and AR Ginn. Absent was Larry Hansen.
***Approval of August minutes
Robb Cotiaux made motion to approve the August minutes and Keith Meissner seconded. All approved.
*** Treasurer’s Report
There have been no expenses since our last meeting. We have received $600 for the Wall of Champions. Hob has also received word from Calvin Ward that ASC will be having a Board Meeting soon when their possible involvement in the cocker Field trial HOF will be discussed.
There was further discussion regarding what happens when items are offered to the cocker wing at the Bird Dog Foundation Hall of Fame for display. There is a subcommittee at the Foundation that has to approve all donations. Currently, they seem to be willing to live by the conditions the donors want. Loans go through the same procedure and can either go into permanent custody or go back to the person(s) who made the donation. Our cocker Hall of Fame Committee is responsible for the placement of the articles in our space.
At present we encounter a problem when it comes to people wishing to make significant tax deductible monetary donations for the cocker exhibit. We, the ECSCA Field Trial Hall of Fame, are not a 501c3 corporation but the Bird Dog Foundation Hall of Fame is. Any checks made out to the Foundation go to them – not us. If we wish to become a 501c3 on our own we run into difficulty because that would make our 501c3 a part of another 501c3. Robb referred to other organizations he knows where a certain percentage of a donation could go to the foundation like 20% and 80% to the breed. Hob is going to look into this option because the Bird Dog Foundation, as a whole, plus the breed specific areas are probably missing out on some valuable assets.
*** Update on AR’s trip to the Bird Dog Museum and Hall of Fame
AR is on the Board of the Bird Dog Foundation and traveled to the museum facility due to the problem of a leaking roof. The concern now is there might also be some mold present – especially in the older part of the building. The Board will have to address any problems, and make any necessary corrections. This may go as far as requiring a new roof over the entire structure. Fortunately our area is not experiencing any leakage
***Update on Display
Terry reported the finished product of the display took longer than they thought it would. The students are working on it now full speed ahead.
*** Status of Committee Nominations
So far we have received the following nominations for the regional committee members: AR Ginn – South, Larry Hansen – Central, Tom Ness – West, Sheryl Mayo – East.
Kate Romanski will oversee the mailing of the ballots and the tallying of votes. All nominations should be submitted by September 30th. The election will take place prior to the end of the year. All owners who have qualified dogs for the 2014 NCC are eligible to vote. Each owner gets only one vote no matter how many dogs they have qualified.
*** Status for HOF Nominations of Dogs and People
Nominations for candidates must be made by September 30th and will come to us from the Advisory Panel. We do have dogs and people that were held over from previous years. The Hall of Fame Committee will receive all the information regarding the nominations prior to our next meeting where we will discuss and vote on the candidates. We can vote as many as two of each or we could do none of each. For those interested in making nominations, the forms are available on the Hall of Fame website.
*** Discussion of Amending By-Laws to allow for Exceptions
All Hall of Fame Committee members agree we don’t want to exclude any individual or dog that is a worthy candidate for the Hall of Fame. The Advisory Panel should not feel restricted by the standards set in the By-Laws on any nominations they feel are deserving. Therefore the committee unanimously agreed to amend the By-Laws allowing exceptions for deserving candidates. Approval of any exception would necessitate a unanimous vote by the HFC with at least five members of said committee being present. All HFC members agreed to this proposal.
*** Other Business
There were no other topics for discussion.
*** Adjournment
The meeting concluded at 9:20 p.m. EDT. The October meeting will be held on October 21st at 8 p.m. EDT.
Barbara Haupt