English Cocker Spaniel Field Trial Hall of Fame Committee Meeting
September 13, 2016 – 7:00 pm CST (Conference Call)
Call in Number: 712-432-0265 Code: 489821#
In attendance were: Bethann Wiley, AR Ginn, Rob Cotiaux, Sheryl Mayo, Larry Hansen, Keith Meissner, Pete Rizzo
Absent: Kat Romanski (ECSCA Historian)
Old Business – No old Business
New Business
- There was a request for more description of criteria to be a member of the HoF Committee.
It was discussed and agreed that somebody who participates in handling, training, judging or shooting over English Cockers is important. Everyone agreed that interest and passion in ECS is what is needed. Interest and knowledge of the history and promotion of the breed is a needed characteristic as well for a committee member. Bethann will rewrite what is currently in the B-laws and Operating Procedure to reflect these ideas and will send it out via email for everyone to review.
- Review nominations and develop a plan to proceed.
The committee moved to an Executive Session to provide the privacy for this conversation.
Adjournment: 8:15 pm EST
Next meeting is Tuesday, Oct. 4th.
(Reminder of our Calendar)
2016 Calendar:
March 1st will be the next meeting of the Hall of Fame Committee
May 1st – July 30th is the deadline for Hall of Fame nominations
May 24th Meeting of the Hall of Fame Committee
September 6th Meeting of the Hall of Fame Committee
October 4th Meeting of the Hall of Fame Committee
Solicit Nominees for 2017 HoF Committee members
Presentation of inductees made at the NCC