English Cocker Spaniel Field Trial Hall of Fame Committee Meeting
May 24, 2016 – 7:00 pm CST (Conference Call)
In attendance were: Bethann Wiley, AR Ginn, Rob Cotiaux, Larry Hansen, Keith Meissner
Absent: Sheryl Mayo, Pete Rizzo, Kat Romanski (ECSCA Historian)
Old Business
- Review the By-laws and Operating Procedure Bethann reviewed the changes that were made to the HoF By Laws. There were several areas of the document that duplicate and or non-essential wording. These areas were removed in order to make the bylaws easier and clearer to read. Several other areas were condensed and simplified. The document was downsized from 8 pages to 5 pages. For more details please see the HoF minutes from March 1, 2016. The changes will be finalized and the HoF committee will vote via email in the upcoming week
- Acknowledge 2015 Donation: Bethann will send out personalized thank you notes to all the people who donated / sponsored the HoF Plaques of all the Early Era Field Trial Championships.
Below are the sponsors for the HoF Plaque of Early Era Championships – $8500.00. We now have all of the Early Era Cocker Field Champions memorialized with plaques at the HoF.
Lisa and Hob Brown – Ballymena Farm
Kate Romanski – Merrydown Cockers
Vicky Thomas – Glencoe Kennels
Noel and George Cacchio – Dungarvan Cockers
Cocker Spaniel Hunting Enthusiasts Club
Marsha and Bob Linehan – Pudg’gee Ann’s Cockers
Diane Saxton – Berol Lodge Kennels
Elaine and Scott Taylor – Berol Lodge Kennel
New Business
- Develop a plan to gain nominations for 2016: AR felt that the HoF committee needs to make more personal contact to trialers that may know of dogs / people that deserve to be nominated for the HoF. Bethann will update where to send completed forms on the forms themselves. Rob stated that there are a lot of early era people and dogs that need to be nominated before they are forgotten, at the same time we need to work on acquiring more modern era nominations in order to put the HoF thought/idea in the forefront of modern era field trialers. Kate has more info that pertains to the Early Era dogs. AR stated that there are several modern era dogs that have recently passed away and should not be forgotten. Larry stated that we as a committee really need to be active in soliciting field trialers for their nominations. Nominations should be sent to Bethann.
Adjournment: Robb made a motion to adjourn at 9:06pm EST
(Upcoming Hall of Fame Calendar)
2016 Calendar:
March 1st will be the next meeting of the Hall of Fame Committe
May 1st – July 30th is the deadline for Hall of Fame nominations
May 24th Meeting of the Hall of Fame Committee
Nominations open June 1st – close August 31st
September 6th Meeting of the Hall of Fame Committee
October 4th Meeting of the Hall of Fame Committee
Solicit Nominees for 2017 HoF Committee members
Presentation of inductees made at the NCC