ECSFTHFC Committee Meeting
Tuesday, May 20, 2014, at 8:00 pm EST
In attendance were: AR Ginn, Peter Rizzo, Larry Hansen, Kate Romanski, Barbara Haupt, Hobson Brown, Keith Meissner, Robb Cotiaux.
***Approval of March minutes
The March minutes were approved. There was no committee meeting in April.
*** Status of the Electronic Display
No update on the status was reported at the meeting. Hob Brown subsequently spoke with Terry Reckart and Terry indicated the display will be installed this summer.
***Treasurer’s Report
There have been no further expenses paid since our last meeting.
Hob was given the authority to file the papers necessary to incorporate the English Cocker Spaniel Field Trial Hall of Fame as a non-profit corporation in North Dakota. This procedure is necessary in order to establish a checking account. Approval was also given to open the checking account at the American Bank Center in Bismarck, North Dakota. It was agreed that we would require one signature on the checks but all expenses over $1,000 would require the approval of two members of the ECSFTHOFC before being paid. The treasurer will also maintain a ledger to be presented to the committee at our meetings.
Once the checking account is established, the committee felt that we should approach the American spaniel Club, which represents the American Cocker, to encourage its support. Kate mentioned the American Spaniel Club holds several historic trophies such as The Field and Stream Trophy given to the winner of each national in 1950’s and 1960’s. Perhaps one day we could display these trophies along with the Shawfield Glenfire Trophy from the 1950-1960 era which Kate has in the archives of the ECSCA.
*** History discussion
Robb and Pete led a discussion about trialing in the early years. They commented that events were more social than today and not as competitive. Some of the first trials that Robb and Pete attended were springer trials but the people running dogs had been cocker field trailers in the early era. Those trials also received coverage in the press. Kate remembered as a child reading about the trials in the New York Times.
Larry then spoke about the resurgence of cocker trials beginning with the importing of dogs through the first trials in the early 1990s.
*** Hall of Fame Cocker Trial
Keith reported there is interest in holding a fall cocker trial in the East for the benefit of the ECSFTHOF. The trial would be hosted by the Cocker Spaniel Field Trial Club of America (its 90th anniversary). Instead of looking at the trial as a “trial” like any other, the focus would be to look at it and support it as a special “event”. If possible, the club would like to use the grounds of the old Harriman estate which is where a number of the early trials took place.
We also discussed having the trial in Grand Junction, Tennessee, at the time of the induction ceremony in early Februrary. The springers have successfully run a two day trial there now for a number of years. It was felt by the committee it would be too difficult to get a satisfactory attendance from our small population in the winter for the one day that would be available at this point. Another big determent would be the responsibility for organizers to bring in all the birds and equipment unless we could coordinate something with the springer trial which is the two days prior to the induction ceremony. The sunday after the ceremony might be available for a cocker trial, but getting a satisfactory time slot could be difficult. the national pointing dog championship starts the following Monday and runs about two weeks.
Another idea discussed was to have HOF trial prior to the cocker national and within easy traveling distance. for this year, however, we will move forward with having a trial in the East and will continue to explore the other ideas for the future.
*** Other Business
Larry Hansen inquired about certain restrictions in the By-Laws, notably the age requirement of 65 for individuals to be inducted. AR Ginn pointed out that all of the dog groups in the Hall of Fame have an age requirement except the Retrievers. It was that age 65 would allow the committee to review a person’s overall contributions to the sport over a longer term, with recognition reflecting a lifetime of achievement and contribution. AR also pointed out that early recognition could have unintended results in that recognition by the Hall of Fame could be viewed as an endorsement, thereby putting competing kennels and handlers at an unfair disadvantage.
As we have not reviewed the By-Laws for some time, it was decided they would be one topic on the agenda of our next meeting. Prior to the meeting, committee members will reread and review the By-Laws thoroughly.
*** Adjournment
The next meeting will be held June 10, 2014 at 8 p.m. Eastern Daylight Savings Time. AR moved we adjourn and Robb seconded. The meeting concluded at 9:25 p.m. EDST.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Haupt