The meeting was held by teleconference. Present: Dennis Joannides Chairperson, Larry Hansen, Barbara Haupt, AR Ginn, Kate Romanski, and Terry Reckart. Absent: Sue Rose, John Leininger, and Hob Brown. The meeting commenced at 9:00 p.m. EDT and concluded at 10:15.
****Dennis thanked Terry Reckart for joining us as a special guest. Terry reported he has checked with the local vocational school regarding putting together a HOF display. The Red Setter group used them and their presentation was very impressive. The school said they would like to take on the project starting in September. The cost would be somewhere between $1200 and $1500 (including high definition tv, control box, wiring, etc.); there would be no charge for the students’ labor. It could be set up in separate loops: history, video, photos, etc., and visitors to the HOF could choose what they wish to see. Dennis made the motion we have the Vocational Education group go ahead with the HOF presentation. Barb seconded and the motion passed unanimously. We will make sure they get the necessary information and visuals to Terry prior to September. The program should be up and running by the next induction.
****Setting up a Hall of Fame website. Larry reported we can put up a website at a cost of $25 an hour. We will find out how much it would be to have the same person maintain it. A.R. moved and Larry seconded we move forward with the construction of the website. The motion was passed unanimously. Kate offered her services to help out with information. All committee members will submit and suggest items to Larry we think should appear on the website. The website and the HOF visual will be two separate entities but there will be some items that appear on both. A link to the website would be on fieldcockers.com.
**** The April minutes were approved as amended.
****Nomination forms for electing new members to the HFC. Sue and Kate have put together the nomination form and Kate has agreed to collect them.
****Nomination forms for Hall of Fame inductees will remain the same except for the date. This will be for both the six dogs and six individuals that can be nominated.
****Advisory Panel Chair will be discussed this coming weekend.
****Potential exception to age 65 requirement was tabled until the next meeting.
****Meeting adjourned. May 21 was set for next meeting.