ECSFTHFC Committee Meeting
Tuesday, March 25, 2014, at 8:00 pm EST
In attendance were: AR Ginn, Peter Rizzo, Larry Hansen, Kate Romanski, Barbara Haupt, Hobson Brown, Keith Meissner, Robb Cotiaux.
***Approval of February minutes
We opened the meeting with a discussion of the February meeting minutes. Robb moved that the minutes be accepted as published on the Hall of Fame website. Pete seconded and the minutes were approved.
***Inclusion of the American Cocker in the Hall of Fame
Members had a very positive discussion regarding the inclusion of worthy American Cockers in the Hall of Fame. AR called most of founders for their input. Most people he talked to plus those on the committee felt that any cocker spaniel (American or English) that met the standards to be considered for the Hall of Fame, should be considered. The motion was made by Robb Cotiaux and seconded by Barbara Haupt that the By-Laws state: All worthy cocker spaniels (English or American) competing head to head on a level playing field may be considered as candidates for the Field Trial Hall of Fame from this day forward. A roll call vote was taken and the result was unanimous for passage of the motion. Hob will inform the Bird Dog Foundation of this amendment to the By-Laws for their information and approval. (This has been accomplished and found to be unnecessary.)
***Treasurer’s Report
Hob reported the website maintenance bill from Wendy for January and February was $62.50. That was the only expense since the last meeting. The committee then had a discussion about having our own Hall of Fame checking account. It would be much easier for us to raise money because donors could write their checks directly to the place they wish to utilize their donation. Looking down the road, if and when we set up our own account, we will try to get tax exemption – 501c3. Hob will explore this with Karen Spurlin, ECSCA Trasurer, and will also talk to Bob Iverson about his similar experience with the springer spaniel accounts.
***Advisory Panel
Tom Ness has agreed to chair the Advisory Panel again. He has received the list of all those who are eligible (see list below) and has sent out letters to all, plus copies of the two nomination forms: for dogs and people. He will also notify them of the change in the By-Laws to include American cockers.
The By-Laws refer to the makeup of the Advisory Panel in two different sections. One is under the section on the Hall of Fame committee that states.
All ECSFTHFC members shall become permanent Advisory Panel members after they complete their term.
The second reference is found in the section on the Advisory Panel and states:
The Advisory Panel to the ECSFTHFC shall consist of (i) all living individual inductees to the ECSHF, (ii) all former members of the ECSFTHFC, (iii) all current members of the fTC, and (iv) all living handlers who have titled a National Cocker Champion. Any person currently serving on the ECSFTHFC is not eligible to serve on the Advisory panel at the same time.
After discussion of the topic, the committee felt the more good people we can involve, the better. Therefore any person who has served on the ECSFTHFC would be eligible for the Advisory Panel.
*** Hall of Fame Calendar for 2014, Nominations and 2015 Induction Ceremony(see below).
***Other Business
Terry Reckart said the sign for the Hall of Fame display is finished and the remainder will be completed very soon. He plans to make a video of it and send it to the committee members.
The committee discussed sending out solicitation letters to the cocker community. This solicitation would also encourage those people to support the wall of Champions.
Possible new items for discussion at the next meeting: (1) committee members sharing stories about the people and dogs in the early trials; (2) having a money raiser trial for the Hall of Fame (Keith will look for input).
The next meeting will be held May 20, at 8 p.m. Eastern Daylight Savings Time. AR moved we adjourn and Robb seconded. The meeting concluded at 8:45 p.m. EDST.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Haupt
2014 Hall of Fame Committee
Hob Brown
16001 48th Avenue SE
Menoken, ND 58558
Robb Cotiaux
91 Tufts Road
Gloucester, ME 04260
A.R. Ginn
23407 FM 362
Waller, TX 77484
Larry Hanson
3024 120th Street
Garvin, MN 56132
Barbara Haupt
78 Haupt Road
P.O. Box 303
Tenants Harbor, ME 0486
Keith Meissner (FTC)
58 Wisner Road
Averill, NY 12018
Pete Rizzo
20 Crestview Drive
Tompkins Cove, NY10936
Kate Romanski, Corresponding Secretary
P.O. Box 252
5746 South 112th Street
Hales Corners, WI 53130
Calendar for Annual Nomination of Dogs and Individuals for Admission to the Field Trial Hall of Fame
March 1 — Chair of the English Cocker Spaniel Field Trial Hall of Fame Committee (ECSFTHFC) sends a letter to the Head of its Advisory Panel. Letter will include a list of members of the Advisory Panel and a request for nominations of dogs and individuals by September 15. The Advisory Panel to the ECSFTHFC shall consist of (i) all living individual inductees to the ECSHF, (ii) all former members of the ECSFTHFC, (iii) all current members of the FTC, and (iv) all living handlers who have titled a National Cocker Champion. Any person currently serving on the ECSFTHFC is not eligible to serve on the Advisory Panel at the same time. The criteria to be used for nominating dogs and individuals is outlined in the ECSFTHF By-Laws & Operating Procedure.
March 15 to March 31 — Head of the Advisory Panel to the ECSFTHFC writes a letter to members of the Advisory Panel outlining a time table for eliciting and preparing nominations.
New members of the Panel should be given a copy of the By-Laws & Operating Procedure and copies of the Nomination Forms for both Dogs and Individuals.
April 1 to May 31 — The Advisory Panel will gather and review dog and individual nominations.
June 1 to September 1 — The Advisory Panel will prepare nominations for submission to the ECSFTHFC. All nominations should be completed and ready for review by the Panel by September 1.
September 1 to September 15 — Chair of the Advisory Panel calls a meeting and Panel reviews and votes on dogs and individuals to be recommended to the ECSFTHFC.
September 15 — The Chair of the ECSFTHFC will receive dog and individual nominations from the Advisory Panel and distribute nominations to the committee.
September 15 to October 15 — The Chair of the ECSFTHFC will organize meetings in September and October to review the nominations of dogs and individuals. ECSFTHFC votes on dogs and people that are under consideration as outlined in the By-Laws & Operating Procedure.
October 15 to November 15 — Inductees are announced at the banquet at the National Cocker Championship. Congratulatory letters and the schedule of events are sent to each inductee and those who nominated them. The inductees’ names and contact information are sent to the Bird Dog Foundation’s Field Trial Hall of Fame.
November 15 to Following February — Organize induction ceremony. See HOF-Ceremony Preparation.doc for details.
Induction Date for 2015
February 2015 — Field Trial Hall of Fame, Grand Junction, Tennessee
See HOF Schedule.doc for complete details.