ECSFTHFC Committee Meeting
Tuesday, June 10, 2014, at 8:00 pm EST
In attendance were: AR Ginn, Peter Rizzo, Larry Hansen, Kate Romanski, Keith Meissner.
Absent were Hobson Brown, Barbara Haupt, Rob Cotiaux.
The meeting was called to order and AR Ginn was asked by the Committee to Chair the meeting in the absence of Hob and Barbara.
***Approval of March minutes
The May minutes were approved with Keith making a motion to accept and Larry with a second.
*** Treasurer’s Report
There have been no further expenses paid since our last meeting.
*** Status of incorporation
Papers have been filed with the state of North Dakota and we are waiting for the issuance of our tax Id number so we can set up the bank account. AR felt that the process isn’t difficult and won’t take long.
*** By-Laws discussion
AR is waiting to hear back from the Bird Dog Hall of Fame as to whether or not we need their approval to make changes to the By-Laws. Kate felt that the By-Laws needed some editing and grammar corrections made to them. A discussion was held pertaining to the fact that some sections of the By-Laws are antiquated and need to be removed and or changed. Also the By-Laws and the Procedures needed to be separated and simplified. A motion was made by Larry and seconded by Pete that Kate would draft an edited version of the By-Laws and have it for our next meeting, The draft will only cover simplification, editing and grammatical corrections to the By-Laws, not changes to the By-Laws.
*** Other Business
Hall of Fame Cocker Trial
Pete & Keith reported that we have made contact with the representatives for the Harriman Estate and are waiting to hear back from them. A proposal is being drafted for them to view. We hope that they will find it acceptable and that we may have use of these historic Cocker Field Trial grounds.
*** Adjournment
Hob and AR will figure out a time for the next meeting and will contact the committee with the date. The meeting concluded at 8:40 p.m. EDST.
Keith Meissner