Minutes Hall of Fame Committee
Dated December 6, 2011
The meeting began at 9:00p.m. EDT and ended at 10:00p.m. EDT. Participating were Hob Brown, A.R. Ginn, Dave Williams, Dennis Joannides, Barbara Haupt and Sue Rose. Ernie Hasse is still recovering from his accident and could not participate.
Dennis called the meeting to order. The first order of business was to approve the prior minutes for August, September, and October as distributed by email to the HFC. Dave Williams made a motion to accept the minutes as written. It was seconded by Barbara Haupt and all present at the meeting voted to approve the motion.
Dennis reported that our fund raising to date has raised $47,000. Fred Bradley indicated he was sending an addition $2,500 in memory of William Drake and Deb Strohl and Terry Reckard each pledged to become Bronze Founders. We also had three other new bronze founding members, included in our $47,000. They are Rod & Bobbie Beck, Jeff & Carole Janousek, and the Mid-East Gun team. Barbara Haupt indicated she had personally sent letters to everyone on her field trial mailing list. She felt that some folks may have sent donations directly to Karen Spurlin, Treasurer for the ECSCA. Dennis will contact Karen to get an accounting of any additional contributions. We have asked individuals contributing less than $500 to mail the donations to the ECSCA. These funds will be used for expenses such as display cases, framing prints, etc., as the BDM does not make any distributions for operating expenses of individual breeds. Barbara indicated she will make a second effort to see if she can get some of the American Cocker folks to get their parent club to at least make a donation to the HOF considering the breed’s role in our field trial history.
The next order of business was to review and approve the final draft of the By-Laws & operating procedures for English Cocker Spaniel Hall of Fame. Barbara Haupt made a motion to amend the final draft under the section related to nomination of Dogs. The motion was seconded by Hobson Brown. The paragraph beginning “Other items to consider when nominating a dog to the HOF are: the following wording was added to clarify that the winning of a foreign championship shall be a consideration as well as winning a foreign national championship. This paragraph shall read:
Other items to consider when nominating a dog to the HOF are: consistent high placements in open and amateur AKC field trial events, high point ECS for a given year, or a winning of multiple NCCs and foreign field trial championships or foreign national championships.
This motion was approved by all present.
A.R. Ginn made a motion that the By Laws and Operating Procedure as written and amended above be submitted to the Bird Dog Foundation for approval. Dave Williams seconded the motion.
This motion was approved by all present.
There was discussion about distributing the document to the field. It was decided that we would wait until we have received assurance from the BDF that the wording was acceptable. Dennis will submit the document to the BDF.
The Bird Dog Museum in conjunction with the BDF will be having a ribbon cutting ceremony for the New Wing, on Saturday, February 11, 2012 and has requested the presence of a representative from the English Cockers even though we will not be inducting any dogs or people to the HOF. Dave Williams and A.R. Ginn indicated an interest in attending the ceremony. Sue Rose will also be visiting the BDF in December and Barbara Haupt said she too planned a visit in either January or Mach 2012.
Sue Rose as chair of the History sub-committee indicated she has been working with Kate Romanski on putting together information about the origin of Cocker field trials. Kate was unable to participate in our meeting as she was fulfilling her final responsibilities as Secretary for the ECSCA.
Dennis, as chairman, felt a January meeting was not necessary as the space would not be ready until February. Also, it was the group’s feeling that we could accomplish what was necessary at the sub-committee levels by communication through e-mail.
The next meeting was tentatively scheduled for February 22, 2012 at A.R. Ginn’s ranch with the thought that several of the HFC members will be participating in the Texas trial and Dave and
A.R. will be ready to report on the facility. Sue and Barbara promised to update the HFC with their finding following their visit to the BDM.
Dennis thanked the HFC members for their participation and hard work and adjourned the meeting.