Tuesday, December 16, 2014, at 8:00 pm EDT
In attendance were: Kate Romanski, Hobson Brown, Barbara Haupt, Rob Cotiaux, AR Ginn, Peter Rizzo, Keith Meissner, and Tom Ness. Absent was Robb Cotiaux, Larry Hansen and Sheryl Mayo.
***Approval of November minutes
The motion to approve the November minutes was made and seconded. All approved.
*** Treasurer’s Report
$1799.33 was paid by Karen Spurlin to Terry Reckart for the display. Our balance in the ESCA account is $4514.25. In the HOF checking account in Bismarck the balance is $900.01. Vicky Thomas is sponsoring half the previous FTC English cockers and Lisa Brown is sponsoring the other half to the Hall of Fame. Noel will be doing the same for the previous American Cockers. Barbara will ask John Leininger what we owe for the balance on the cabinet he is doing for us. With the $900 in checking, the money in the ECSCA account, plus what we know we are getting in the future, there should be sufficient monies to cover what we need for the induction ceremony and for next year.
*** Display Update
Picture of the cabinet John Leininger is doing for cocker HOF. Hopefully it will be installed prior to the induction ceremony.
Terry Reckart and his wife will be at the ceremony and install their display.
*** Update on 2015 Induction Ceremony
Barbara will do two things right away: make sure the pictures of the inductee dogs is submitted in the 11 x 14 format. Also, she will ask David Fletcher (or Tonya) how the material should be sent to them. She will also find out how many words should be on the card that is displayed under the Inductees’ pictures.
- Kate said many thanks to Lisa Brown for getting pictures of Mr. Berol and Mr. Vail. In Bismarck, Paula is waiting for the pictures of the Inductees. She will frame them, and send them to the Hall of fame. David fletcher and/or Tanya will put up the cards that go under the pictures.
- At the Hall of Fame, after getting the names of everyone, the individual scrolls will be completed using calligraphy then they will be signed and frames.
- Ramon Rustia hopes to attend the ceremony as do Paul McGagh and Vicky. we hope to see Mr. Berol’s daughters and Mr. Vails’ grandchildren also in attendance.
- Committee members felt it would be a good idea if the new chairperson was present for the ceremony which is on February 7th. By our January meeting we need to know who will be in attendance. At that meeting the new committee officers will also be chosen. Hobson Brown and Barbara Haupt will be going off the committee; Sheryl Mayo and Tom Ness are coming on.
- At the ceremony on Saturday, the dogs presented in the morning are the springers, cockers, and retrievers; a lunch is in the middle of the day, then the pointing dogs are presented in the afternoon. The Board meeting and a reception are held the next day – Sunday. On Monday the Grand National for the pointing dogs commences. A springer trial is held during the days prior to the Induction ceremony.
*** Adjournment and Date of Next Meeting
The meeting concluded at 8:50 p.m. EST. The next meeting will be held January 6th at 8 p.m. EST.
Barbara Haupt