Tuesday, November 11, 2014, at 8:00 pm EDT
In attendance were: Kate Romanski, Hobson Brown, Barbara Haupt, Rob Cotiaux, AR Ginn and Larry Hansen. Absent was Peter Rizzo and Keith Meissner.
***Approval of October minutes
Robb Cotiaux made motion to approve the September minutes and AR seconded. All approved.
*** Treasurer’s Report
We have $ 6314.58 with the ECSCA and $600.01 in the bank. Our only outstanding bill at this time is $ 1799.33 due Terry Reckart for the display. His invoice is with Karen Spurlin for payment. Not reflected in the balance is $200 that Kate sent in for the Wall of Champions. Also Noel Cacchio is going to under write the cost of including all the prior American Cocker champions; Lisa Brown and Vicky Thomas will do the same for the earlier English Cocker champions. The estimate proceeds of both will be about $ 8,000.
*** Presentation at the NCC
AR, Barbara, Keith, and Pete were on hand at the NCC Banquet to represent the Hall of Fame committee and to make the announcement of the Inductees for 2015. The individuals and dogs to be inducted are:
- Elias Vail 1890-1961 Bird Dog Trainer, Field Trial Judge and Author, Handler for Ella Moffit, Founder of Verbank Rod and Gun Club.
- Henry Berol 1897-1976 Owner of Berol Lodge Kennels, 3 NCC Winners, 11 Field Champions, Driving force in the 50’s, Chaired NCC 1953-1959
- FC/CFC Warrener’s California Quail MH “STORM” 2002-2012 O/H Paul McGagh CNFC 2005
- NFC/FC Creignant Mordred “MERLIN” 1999-2013 Owner: Ramon Rustia, Handler: Fred Bradley NFC 2002
The presentation was very well received by those in attendance.
*** Preparation for 2015 Induction Ceremony
- Hob will officially notify the inductees and those who nominated them. He will send a congratulatory letter with details about the HOF and the HOF schedule for the week of the ceremony which is usually the second weekend in February. Included will be travel details and hotel information. In the case of deceased inductees, some research may be required to notify a spouse, children and grandchildren.
- We need to prepare an invitation list for Barbara Sweeney who works at the HOF and who is responsible for sending out post card invitations each year. Our list should include members of the HOF committee, donors and prior inductees. It should be updated every year.
- We will work with the inductees and their families to select the photos that will be placed on an easel during the ceremony and then hung in the HOF. Kate Romanski, ECSCA historian, has older photos that we have put on disk if the family does not have one. We prefer to have photos printed in size 11X14 and framed (frames are 1 1/2 inch quarter sawn molding from Superior Molding, color is listed as golden oak but appears cherry in color. The outside dimension of frame is 17 3/8 X 15 1/16; inside dimension of frame is 14 3/4 X 12 1/2, the mat is 1 1/2 to 2 inches, sized to fit image. The images are generally just the dog or just the person to avoid confusion, but there is no formal rule on this and some chosen to have both pictured. To date photos have been produced by Bob’s Photo in Bismarck, ND and framing has been done by Paulette at Red Cedar Gallery in Bismarck, ND. For the sake of continuity and aesthetics the committee would like to continue with this procedure.
- Barbara and Kate will prepare detailed descriptions of each inductee for the HOF program. In the case of dogs and people from the early era, they will consult research and ask family members for further information. In the case of dogs and people from the modern era, they will work directly with the people involved and get their approval on the description. Descriptions and photos for the program will be sent via email to David Fletcher, the HOF board member who prints the program.
- Committee members may solicit ads for the HOF program — $125 for black and white; $250 for color, full page only. Send ads to David Fletcher and checks made out to the Bird Dog Foundation noting money is for the program to the Executive Director of the Field Trial Hall of Fame. Donations are tax deductible.
- Kate and Barbara will also prepare description cards (size 4X8) that will be placed under each photo in the HOF. They will Email the text to David Fletcher who will print and mail them to the HOF along with Plexiglas and screws for hanging.
- Scrolls are presented to each inductee. They are printed by David Fletcher (we need to send him the exact names for the inscription) and then sent to the head of the Cocker HOF Committee and the head of the Bird Dog Foundation for signing. Scrolls are then picked up at the HOF by a local framer who puts each one in a frame (no mat) and returns to the HOF for the ceremony.span>
- Scroll printing and framing and the printing of the description cards is paid for out of our HOF funds. Shipping of the scrolls for signature and then the shipping of scrolls from the museum to recipients, if necessary, is paid out of our HOF funds.
*** We will invite the new members to attend our December meeting. Barbara will invite Sheryl Mayo and Hob will invite Tom Ness.
***Haven’t heard officially from the ASC but have heard encouraging words from the membership regarding their support of the cocker wing of the Hall of Fame.
***John Leininger has the cabinet for our display well under way. He tells us his goal is to have it completed and in the Hall of Fame before the inductions in February. He will deliver. The cocker display case is just about ready for finish and he hopes to complete it in the next couple of weeks. The glass takes some time to get.
*** Adjournment and Date of Next Meeting
The meeting concluded at 8:40 p.m. EST. The next meeting will be held December 16th at 8 p.m. EST.
Barbara Haupt