ECSFTHF Committee Meeting and Minutes August 21, 2013
Present were Dennis Joannides, A.R. Ginn, Hob Brown, Sue Rose, Barbara Haupt, Peter Rizzo and Kate Romanski. Absent was Larry Hansen. The meeting commenced at 9 p.m. EDT and concluded at 10:10 p.m. EDT.
***Approval of minutes of prior meeting: The minutes were approved; Hobb moved and Sue seconded.
***Status of the nominations for the ECSFTHFC: Kate reported we have two nominations so far: Robb Cotiaux and Keith Meissner. Ballots will be sent by Sue Rose and Kate Romanski to each owner of a dog who has qualified for NCC 2013. If there are two owners for one dog they get just one vote. An owner receives one vote regardless of the number of dogs qualified. The collection and counting of ballots will be the responsibility of Kate Romanski since she is not running for office.
***Nomination forms for Hall of Fame inductees — dogs and individuals:
Hob Brown stated there are some ideas out there. Dennis has spoken with Kim Wiley and John Dartt on the subject. Larry and Tom might be able to work together on this. Those of us on this committee need to reach out to people in the cocker community. Some dogs of note passed away recently however they are not eligible for nomination until more than a year has passed prior to being nominated. There are two dogs — Frank and Silk — and two people — Roland Harriman and Albert Winslow — that were nominated last year and received at least one vote that are carried over to this year.
***Status of website and display. Many of us had the website on our computers while we were on the conference call. www.englishcockerhalloffame.com Some difficulty finding the site might be encountered by putting an “s” on cocker or getting confused with the ECSCA Hall of Fame. There are different versions for smart phones and tablets than PC’s. A.R. had some difficulty bringing up the site on his Mac; others voiced no problems at present.
At this point we need to pay our webmaster to maintain the site. None of us at the meeting felt we could do it satisfactorily and agreed we would like Wendy to maintain the position. Hob made the motion and A.R. seconded the proposal that Wendy maintain her position as Webmaster @ $25 per hour.
Wendy has been sent many good quality pictures of dogs and people in action at field trials that can be utilized. Unfortunately, she is not familiar with our sport so she will need help in sorting the 350 plus photos sent to her. These will be displayed in three separate slide shows under photo galleries.
Barbara will make sure the amendment to the By-Laws regarding the HOF eligibility of dogs not born in this country is included on the fieldcockers and Hall of Fame websites. This is what she proposes to send:
Amendment to HOF By-Laws regarding dog nominations passed unanimously by roll call vote April 4, 2013: “We may accept a foreign dog that has not earned an AKC FC title, but did make a significant impact on the blood lines in the USA. For a foreign dog to be inducted into the ECSHOF it must be by unanimous vote of the ECSHOF Committee Members and no less than five of the seven members must be present either in person or by conference call. “
Also, the committee would like to post clarification of the voting procedure for the Hall of Fame committee. The following is proposed:
Clarification on voting procedure for Hall of Fame committee members (minutes August 22, 2013): Ballots will be sent to each owner of a dog who has qualified for the NCC of that year. If there are two owners for one dog they get just one vote. An owner of qualified dogs receives one vote only. No owner may vote twice.
Dennis and Larry will continue to work with Wendy. We can edit the website at any time.
**** Creating a logo: Wayne Simmons has agreed to do a pen and ink sketch of Wild Acre Chili.
**** Developing an identity package This should cost us under $200 to get the logo design done. Printing cost will be additional. We will need stationery for “Thank You’s” etc. We will use Kate Romanski for our permanent address. The group approved the expenditure of up to $200 for logo on stationery. (Barbara moved and Dennis seconded). Hob Brown wondered if we need a special procedure to approve expenses. He will try to come up with an answer to that question prior to our next meeting.
**** Production of plaque acknowledging founders: This is in the process. We are checking on how people wish to have their names and donations presented.
**** Fund Raising: We need someone to chair this sub-committee. Pete Rizzo volunteered for this position and is open to all suggestions. One item discussed was a Wall of Champions. It would cost owners $100 to have their FC presented on the Wall. (as much as possible in chronological order).
****Other old business – We hope to release the website to the general public soon. We also want to get our fund raising plans on the website.
**** NEW BUSINESS: Should we have a Facebook Page? – Pete will talk to his son about setting up a facebook page.
**** Ad for NCC catalogue: $400 A.R. will look into this.
**** Adjournment and Date of next meeting: We adjourned at 10:10 p.m. and will meet again on September 19th at 9:00 p.m. EST