ECSFTHFC Committee Meeting
Tuesday, August 19 2014, at 8:00 pm EDT
In attendance were: Peter Rizzo, Kate Romanski, Hobson Brown, Barbara Haupt, Rob Cotiaux, Keith Meissner, and Larry Hansen. Absent was AR Ginn.
***Approval of July minutes
Keith Mesissner made motion to approve the July minutes and Peter Rizzo seconded. All approved.
*** Treasurer’s Report
There is enough in the treasury to handle upcoming expenses and we hope that there will be more money coming in from sponsors for the Wall of Champions. Hob has talked to Karen Spurlin, treasurer of the ECSCA regarding monies in our Hall of Fame account and how that should be handled now that we are incorporated. The committee would prefer to have a $15,000 -$20,000 balance in our treasury to handle expenses incurred, especially during the time of the inductions when we incur more expenses.
*** Update on AR’s trip to HOF
Since AR is a member of the Board of Directors at the Hall of Fall, he was called there due to some problems with the roof and the gutters. AR will bring us up to date on this and any other issues he encountered at our next meeting. While he was there he installed the Founders Plaque. Thank you, AR.
*** Calendar for Nominations of Committee Members
AR, Barbara, Larry and Hob will be up for reelection this year. Kate Romanski will oversee the mailing of the ballots and the tallying of votes as she did last year. The election will take place in October; nominations should be submitted by September 15th. All owners who have qualified dogs for the 2014 NCC are eligible to vote. Each owner gets only one vote no matter how many dogs they have qualified.
*** Calendar for Nominations of Dogs and People
Hob has talked to Tom Ness and there are dogs that are being discussed by the Advisory panel (which makes the nominations). This committee will need the material by our next meeting in September so we can discuss the nominees. We will do the voting during our October meeting. We encourage all advisory members to participate in the nominations. These forms are available on the Hall of Fame website.
*** Follow up on idea to allow exceptions
All members present at the meeting agreed we don’t want to exclude any individual that is a worthy candidate for the Hall of Fame. The Advisory Panel should not feel restricted by the standards set in the By-Laws on any nominations they feel are deserving. When all members are present, we will discuss this and take appropriate action concerning making exceptions in the By-Laws for individual candidates as we did for the dogs.
*** Display at HOF and Wall of Champions plague
AR will be seeing Terry Reckart soon and will report back on the timeframe for the installation of the student project We also need to make a decision on the type of plaque(s) best suited for the Wall of Champions. Kate has the list of all field champions that are eligible.
*** Other Business
***Amending By-Laws: We are going to have to revise and amend By-Laws now that we are incorporated, but our priority right now is to handle the nominations for committee members, and Hall of Fame inductees.
***Hall of Fame Cocker Trial: Keith and Pete are still working on this. Getting the appropriate grounds is the biggest challenge. The trial could be held after the 2014 NCC or in the spring of 2015.
Cocker spaniel pedigree data base: As a matter of information, you might want to check out this website if you don’t know about it already. If you have trouble, just Google cockerspanieldatabase.
***Procedure for placement and display of items such as trophies, old catalogues, and memorabilia: Robb asked the question about donations. What is our responsibility to the objects and to the people who donated them? What about insurance? We know we are responsible for the items in our section, but are not clear about insurance carried by the entire facility. Hob will contact the museum on this point. We also have no set procedures at this time for the handling of donations and need to do that.
*** ASC: Hob has been in contact with Calvin Ward, the president of the American Spaniel Club, and they have discussed what we have done so far and ideas for the future. Hopefully the ASC will become involved with their support.
The meeting concluded at 9:14 p.m. EDT. The next meeting will be September 18th at 8 p.m. EDT. The October meeting will be held on October 21st at 8 p.m. EDT.
Barbara Haupt